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6 Foods To Help You Feel Sexy And Confident On International Women's Day

Nina Fischer

Do you feel sexy and confident today? Well, you certainly deserve to. Not just on International Women’s Day but on every single day of the year. Because you’re pretty awesome. And what better day, to talk about female confidence, than today where we celebrate the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women?!

If you feel like you’ve lost your mojo (and maybe the months of lockdown have turned you off) you could be suffering from a low libido. While I can’t change what’s going on in the world right now, I can certainly share some tips on how to boost your sex drive and feel great in bed again - with or without a partner 😉

Why Could My Libido Be Low?

Let’s be honest, we all have days when we’re not in the mood for sex. But for some it’s not just the odd day – it’s all year round.

It’s something I see a lot in clinic. For women, having sex is often far more complicated than just feeling “in the mood”. When we’re spinning so many plates (from parenting, work, partners and social life, not to mention all those achievements we celebrate today), making love or masturbating is often last on the ‘to-do’ list.

Throw into the mix low self-esteem, lack of body confidence, stress, relationship problems and hormonal issues, it’s no wonder that 57% of women say they prefer social media to sex 💔

Certain medication including anti-depressants, blood pressure drugs and even the Pill can also add to low libido. But after years of working with people who want to enjoy sex again, I can reveal the majority of low sex drive is due to misfiring hormones. The good news is there is a lot you can do to naturally resolve hormonal imbalances to help you get your mojo back.

Why Should I Care About Sex?

Why should you even care? Well, the benefits of a healthy sex life are far reaching and include better immune function and heart health, decreased depression and anxiety, natural pain relief and increased libido (yup - it comes back with doing it more often!).

But don’t think you need a partner! Masturbation is also fab for releasing sexual tension, reducing stress, improving your sleep and self-esteem, relieving menstrual cramps and strengthening your pelvic floor. And, ahem, let’s not forget about the fun of it all.

Convinced? Good. Let’s make it happen.

What's Going On Inside My Body?

Here’s how it works: when your hormones are out of whack, your libido takes a nose-dive. But when your menstrual cycle is working properly, the regular changes in oestrogen levels mean you’ll have a few days a month when you feel naturally sexy (nature’s way of helping you get pregnant). So, you’ll probably feel in the mood around ovulation time, which happens on average on day 14 of your cycle.

For women going through the transition to menopause (the five or so years run-up known as perimenopause), when oestrogen levels dip, your sex drive does, too. It doesn’t help that intercourse at this time can often feel uncomfortable – a massive passion killer.

Low libido can also be down to thyroid disease. If you have (or think you have) an underactive thyroid, this will all sound familiar. About 12% of people will develop some sort of thyroid issue in their lifetime and 60% of them are unaware of it. But considering the big impact this organ has on your metabolism and hormonal balance it’s worth looking into.

Six Sexual-Energy Boosting Foods

You can also try eating these six sexual energy-boosting foods to turn that ‘not tonight’ into every night…

BROCCOLI – eating this vitamin-C rich vegetable has been shown to boost circulation and sex drive. Purple sprouting broccoli is in season right now 😉

WATERMELON – this contains lycopene, citrulline and beta-carotene, which relax blood vessels and increase sensitivity.

AVOCADOES – packed with nutritious goodies, including desire-boosting potassium and folic acid, which helps with stamina. They also contain vitamin B6, which research shows can decrease symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (such as fatigue, bloating and irritability). This might make it easier for you to feel “in the mood”.

EGGS – one of nature’s superfoods, bursting with B vitamins, including B6 that helps balance hormones and beat stress – which means you will be more in the mood.

STEAK – women who have a high sex drive often have higher levels of the ‘male’ hormone testosterone. So, enjoy a juicy steak (free-range & grass-fed please) – it’s rich in zinc, known to boost libido by blocking an enzyme that converts testosterone to the ‘female’ hormone oestrogen.

MACA - a libido-boosting herb from Peru that is proven to boost sex drive as well as fertility thanks to its high iodine and zinc levels. Research into maca has also found it can relieve symptoms associated with the perimenopause, including lack of vaginal lubrication and hot flushes. You can eat maca as a supplement in tablet form or in a powder, which you can add to porridge, soup, yoghurt or - my favourite - a smoothie.

Want to explore other options to boost your sexual energy? Book in a free 20-minute health & energy review to discuss how we can work together to come up with a plan to get your mojo back. Low libido is not something you just have to live with. I believe it’s possible - and important - for every woman to maintain a strong sex drive whatever her age, responsibilities or relationship status.

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Hi, I'm Nina. I'm a Nutritional Therapist, millenial-corporate-bee-turned-working-mum and your personal focus & energy coach.

I teach busy people like you how to eat and live to be healthier and feel better. 



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