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5 Ways To A Better Night's Sleep!

Nina Fischer

(Guest post by Cara Treadwell)

The study of sleep and its impact on the brain are relatively new to scientists. As a nation, we too are understanding the importance of a healthy night’s sleep and the impact it has on our overall health and wellbeing. But with so many of us now reaching for our phones before bed and the stresses of daily life, we are becoming a pretty sleep deprived bunch!

Whether you are a night owl or a lark, it’s all about getting a deep, restorative night's sleep. It is only when you sleep deeply that your body is able to rid itself of toxins, fight viruses and illness and store away memories from the day.

We are becoming more aware of what healthy sleep hygiene looks like but it can be hard to overhaul your bedtime routine. They are so habitual and also intrinsically linked to your body’s 24 hour clock. Telling a night owl to go to bed at 9pm isn’t going to go down well, they will most likely need a bedtime of 11pm or even later. So it's not necessarily about how to create a better or slightly improved bedtime routine but instead change the quality of your sleep. This really is the key to feeling more rested.

By putting the 5 points below into place, you will sleep more deeply and the quality of your nights sleep will improve!

Here are my 5 top tips for a better night’s sleep:

1. Limit Your Caffeine Intake

Aim to have your usual cup of tea or coffee in the morning, shifting to herbal or decaf drinks for the rest of the day. Caffeine interrupts the body's ability to wind down and get ready for sleep and is best avoided!

2. Use Blue Light Blocking Glasses

You can pick up a pair quite cheaply on Amazon if you want to give them a try before investing. They work by blocking most of the blue light omitting of your screens. Ideally, pop them on whenever you are looking at a screen, especially in the evening! Blue light prevents your body producing melatonin. Melatonin is the hormone our bodies produce, signalling it is time to go to bed. Lots of screen time will push bedtime back, making it hard for you to relax.

3. Avoid Eating Late

The later you eat, the harder your body will be working to digest food. You’ll find it hard to fall asleep on a big meal and instead of doing your brains nightly clean, it will be more focussed on digesting the late night meal. This means less restorative sleep!

4. Move Slowly

This is such a simple step but it is one that I have personally found hugely important! When you rush around your body goes into fight or flight mode, cortisol whizzes around your body and you end up feeling a bit wired!

5. Avoid Napping Late In The Day

Napping in the evening or late afternoon can result in a restless night's sleep! Like baby’s, napping late reduces the amount of adenosine (sleep pressure) in your body. You may fall asleep at 10 or 11pm but you probably won’t stay asleep. If you nap, nap early!

Guest Blog written by Cara Treadwell

Cara is the Founder of The Sleep Method, an online Infant Sleep Consultancy based on the Hampshire/Surrey border.

Cara offers life changing sleep support for sleep deprived families, working with 0-7 year olds. To find out more, visit her website:

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Hi, I'm Nina. I'm a Nutritional Therapist, millenial-corporate-bee-turned-working-mum and your personal focus & energy coach.

I teach busy people like you how to eat and live to be healthier and feel better. 



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